(044) 287-87-87

Checkout Parter.ua

SEC Dream Town

Obolonskiy Ave., 1b (China atrium), first floor

10: 00-22: 00, seven days a week. Cash or card

SEC Gulliver (Concert.ua)

Sports area 1a (0 floor, near the escalator)

10: 00-22: 00, seven days a week. Cash or card

SEC Magelan (temporarily closed)

Academician Glushkov Ave., 13b (1st floor)

10: 00-20: 00, seven days a week. Cash or card

SEC Pyramida

St., Alexandra Mishugi, 4 (1st floor)

10: 00-22: 00, seven days a week. Cash or card

Hotel Tourist (temporarily closed)

St. Raisa Okipnoy, 2 (1st floor, railway ticket office)

08: 00-19: 30 (Mon-Fri) and 08: 00-17: 30 (Sat-Sun). Cash or card

SEC Olympic (temporarily closed)

St. Velyka Vasylkivska, 72 (3rd floor, in the MEAT clothing store)

10: 00-20: 00, seven days a week. Cash or card

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You can always contact the technical support service of Parter.ua

May our tickets bring you a pleasant experience!

What are the features and conditions for buying online tickets?

Online service Parterre will tell you where you can buy a ticket for a concert, show program, circus performance and a performance. All tickets have a special code and security system, so it's easy to get to a concert or performance with an electronic ticket. For those who are interested in a request with the ability to buy theater tickets, the price per person is always indicated on the website and is the most optimal of the proposed ones.